Google SEO Updates 2023 – What, When, Where, and Latest

Google SEO Updates 2023 – What, When, Where, and Latest

The latest search algorithm update from Google in 2022 was announced on Monday, September 12, 2022, with the release of the “September 2022 broad core update” algorithm update. This is all part of Google’s ongoing attempts to reduce the impact of bulk-produced search engine focused content that is constantly being indexed and displayed in the…

Red Haired Women Reacting Strongly to A Google Broad Core Update and looking for 20 Ways To Recover From It

New Google Core Update – 20 Ways To Recover If Your Site Has Been Hit.

Google announced the release of it’s second Broad Core Algorithm update this year, called the “September 2022 broad core update“, this year on Monday, September 12, 2022. This is all part of Google’s ongoing attempts to reduce the impact of bulk-produced “search engine focused” content that is constantly being indexed and displayed in the search…

Google Search Console; How To Add A User In 4 Simple Steps

Google Search Console; How To Add A User In 4 Simple Steps

Google Search Console is the official Google Organic Search Tool. You can’t really make your site Search Engine Friendly or do SEO really without it. But as with many of the Google Products, you need a Google Account to access it. So each User who should have access needs their Google Account added. Who should…